Alien Waterless
Are you looking for Alien Waterless?
You are in the Right place.
Thank you for being a valued customer of Alien.
Alien Waterless was a Private Label Partner of DualPolymer Car Care Products.
It was owned by Don Smith and Lisa Avant.
We at DualPolymer were the manufacturer of their product and they bottled it and marketed it to you.
As of December 2021 Alien decided to shut down operations and forward their customers directly to DualPolymer.
Our DualPolymer is the EXACT same product as Alien.
You were buying it with a different label.
We hope you will continue to use our exceptional product and to give you an incentive please enjoy this
20% off discount code:
If you are interested in being a distributor with a 40-60% lifetime discount please contact us.
If you have any questions please contact us at
We will be happy to help you.